Harvard Gazette
Official news website of Harvard University (USA)
PHOTOSTORY: The gates that frame Harvard Yard, 29 August 2017
PHOTOS: Inequality’s influence, 27 June 2017
PHOTOS: For graduate the numbers add up, 24 May 2017
PHOTOS: His music pierces the darkness, 21 April 17
PHOTOS: Harvard boosts on-campus reuse of online course content, 13 April 17
PHOTOS: Reporting live from the front lines of history, 6 April 17
PHOTOS: Prescription crackdown called crucial in opioid fight, 31 March 17
PHOTOS: Bringing values, not just facts, to climate fight, 30 March 17
PHOTOS: From the ‘Fruit Belt’ to the lab, 27 March 17
PHOTOS:The hollow threat of nukes, 10 March 17
PHOTOS: Get sorted, 9 March 17
PHOTOS: Why sing to baby? If you don’t, you’ll starve, 8 March 17
PHOTOS: The grateful life may be a longer one, 7 March 17
PHOTOS: Conservatives want results, 23 Feb 17
PHOTOS: Lab opens doors for an undergrad experience, 16 Feb 17
PHOTOS: No cookie-cutter fixes on air pollution, 9 Feb 17
PHOTOS: Hasty Pudding honors Octavia Spencer, 26 Jan 17
PHOTOS: Strengthening ties among women in physics, 18 Jan 17
Boston University News Service
Online magazine of Boston University (USA)
PHOTOS: Hundreds Rally at State House to “Stand Up for Democracy”, 27 Feb 17
PHOTOS: “Human Wall of Compassion” Shows Solidarity with Muslim Community, 12 Feb 17
PHOTOS: Gallery: Patriots celebrate victory, 17 Feb 2017
PHOTOS: Love Trumps Hate, 11 Nov 2016
PHOTOS: America Votes 2016, 8 Nov 2016
PHOTOS: Scenes from the 52nd Head of the Charles Regatta, 23 Oct 2016
PHOTOS: An Autumn Outing, 15 Oct 2016
PHOTOS: Highlights from BU’s Fringe Festival: “Hydrogen Jukebox”, 15 Oct 2016
PHOTOS: Raas Leela 2016: Celebrating the Passion and Power of Dance, 8 Oct 2016
Il ViviPadova
Online magazine of the University of Padova (Italy)
Author’s Profile (Italian)
Pace, dignità e fratellanza. La Dichiarazione universale dei diritti umani non è un sogno infranto, 10 Dec 15
Nepal, vivere guardando dentro a noi stessi, 30 Nov 2015
Padova, l’università e l’associazionismo “su strada”, 19 May 2015
Germania, non solo crauti e birra, 30 Apr 2015
Armenia. La memoria che vive, 23 Apr 2015
Viaggiare “fuori rotta”, 13 Apr 2015
Where are you from?, 25 March 2015
“Ma che lingua parlito?”. Dialetti, popoli e identità, 20 Feb 2015
Moschee, chiese e sinagoghe. Vie e strade dell’incontro, 13 Feb 2015
Le case occupate di Berlino. Tra passato ribelle e nuove prospettive, 9 Jan 2015
Pace, tra visioni astratte e possibilità concrete,18 Dec 2014
Online magazine. Pan-European news, features and opinions
Author’s Profile (Italian)
Cose che possono succedere solo a Berlino: le Olimpiadi Hipster , 6 Aug 2014
Berlino, una città galleggiante tra fiumi e laghi, 4 Aug 2014
Berlin Jukebox: Maurizio Presidente!, 15 Sept 2014
Eurojam, l’Europa del domani, 7 Sept 2014